Has Anyone Obtain New Job After Diagnosis And Put In On Application?
As a former VP of Human Resources, NEVER EVER put down any disease/condition such as cancer etc. on a job application unless it is pretty obvious there is something wrong such as an arm missing etc., in which case the company legally must provide "reasonable accommodation". If you tell them you have had cancer prior to being hired, you will not be hired as their medical rates will go up even though it is a pre-existing condition and you are legally covered. DO NOT EVER GIVE A COMPANY A REASON NOT TO HIRE YOU, and frankly, I am an expert although I wish I was not in this arena of human resources.
For example, in some states, if you tell your physician you have guns at home, they have to turn your name in to the local police or even FBI - it is NONE OF THEIR BUSINESS as long as you are not a convicted felon.
i have applied for countless jobs but as soon as they see you have C.O.P.D you might as well not have bothered applying
As long as you can physically do your job without any problems, it is non of their business. They cannot discriminate against you.
I still have a job I just don't see anyone hiring ,57 year old, with emphysema and copd
That said I don't fell dishonest is right bit how do ypu live with put job
Who Uses Prednisone Constantly
COPD & Accommodations Request (ADA Form)