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Does Anyone Have Morning Forhead Headaches. They Go Away After A Few Hours?

A MyCOPDTeam Member asked a question 💭
Eugene, OR

I check my oxygen level it is always between 97 and 95 , when i wake up with the headache it is never below 95. any ideas? They are going to give me a test that I were on my finger all night to see my oxygen level compared to carbon dioxide.. They will be calling me in the next few days.

February 4, 2015
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A MyCOPDTeam Member

During the night your oxygen level may be going down and the corbon dioxide may be going up. You will find out with the test. Good luck.

February 4, 2015
A MyCOPDTeam Member

i'm glad your doing better i forgot to tell you to this one guy in my first pulmo rehab class told me to call the oxygen people and ask them for a i think it's called concentrator bottle anyway they can hook it upto your oxygen and you fill it with distilled water only and it goes thru the tube with your oxygen what a difference it makes on your sinuses. ck it out it might help also, my sinus aren't as dry but i still use the ary and the dr. also told me to get a humidifyer cause i have severe dry rediator heat my place is like a desert . i haven't had money to get on yet.

March 6, 2015
A MyCOPDTeam Member

Maybe time for a sleep study beyond just an overnight O2 Sat study. Most insurances will not allow Sleep Apnea Therapy without a complete overnight sleep study at a clinic that reveals more than 5 episodes of lapse in breathing a night. Oxygens levels decrease at night naturally but Apnea will induce migraines and frequent events of waking. Do you snore or wheeze at night?

February 6, 2015
A MyCOPDTeam Member

Yes that was it. Thank you all for your support.I am now on oxygen at night only and headaches are gone. Sorry I have not been on the site much. Yes that headache was the worst headache I ever had. Again thank you.

March 2, 2015
A MyCOPDTeam Member

ya they started out ther but the worst was my forehead felt like i was hit by a brick .i asked the pharmacist at this one drug store and he reccommended i ue this stuff called ARY its a jel you can put into your nostril and under your nose very little in the nostril he said . it helps i keeps your nasil passages from drying out he also recommended the ARY saline solution use as directed when your stuffed up. hope this helpes

February 8, 2015

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