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I Am So Confused. I Have No Idea If I Have Asthma, COPD, Emphysema Or What. The Dr Says He Thinks It’s Asthma. I Was Given Symbicort.

A MyCOPDTeam Member asked a question 💭

I had COVID in Dec then RSV at end of Jan. My primary diagnosed me because I had hyperinflated lungs on cxr. Sent me for a PFT and this is where I stand now. He said we would come up with a plan. I guess the Symbicort is! I do feel like I can’t get a deep breath at times and o2 sat on Apple Watch has dropped down in the 80’s Any suggestions or words of advice of what I should do next?

posted June 29
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A MyCOPDTeam Member

Sounds like you need to see a pulmonologist, and need a ct scan.

posted June 29
A MyCOPDTeam Member

YW, No worries. None here wished to be an Expert on this topic but it helps to know what may NOT apply to you. Once you have a Pulmonologist on board, you can focus on your special situation. There is an Asthma Forum also - IF you should need it (
and Check out YouTube for those breathing techniques!

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posted June 29 (edited)
A MyCOPDTeam Member

Thank you very much for your response. You sound like you know what you are talking about. I smoked very little as a teen growing up. I’m 66 y/o and was just diagnosed in March with whatever it is that I have. I am not on any oxygen.

posted June 29
A MyCOPDTeam Member

Wow Carolyn! Wish my report was so clear and thorough a few years ago. Not a Doc, of course but here's what it says to me: You are exchanging Oxygen in the lungs at 66% of others in your Age/sex/cultural category. It sounds like Asthma, and not Emphysema. And you smoked little, if at all. How tell? Restricted airflow in small airways. All numbers would be much lower for a former smoker. Above normal diffusion is also a good thing. The trick is getting NEW air in sufficiently before your lungs feel full.

My TIPS: Dyspnea (Shortness of Breath / SOB) - Begin learning various breathing techniques which will help you overcome this feeling. Practice moving slower - NO talking - when walking up stairs or doing things like washing dishes. Showering may be a challenge too if you are not on oxygen. Your cortisone medicine will help keep airway inflammation down. So will staying hydrated. EXTRA hydrated.
be Well.

posted June 29 (edited)
A MyCOPDTeam Member

Thank you for your response. I did make an appointment with a pulmonologist on my own, but it’s not until October.

posted June 29

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