How Do You Exercise If You Are On Oxygen For 24/7
Hi again Jean. I sometimes turn my oxygen to 3 instead of my normal 2 when exercising. I have some walking CD's, one hour of doing these in my home equals 4 miles. Put one in my computer and I am walking and doing whatever the CD does. If I walk outside I take my small canister of oxygen, this will go about 6 hours on 2. I also have some weights I use just while setting or watching TV. I do push ups off my counter, usually waiting for my toast or coffee. One can do so many things to keep fit and active. It's one of the most important things for those of us with COPD. Good luck. God Bless
Can you actually use O2 in the pool? How does that work? I would think the portable oxygen would get ruined??? Please excuse my ignorance.....
Thanks for all the advice. I just saw my Doctor and he has recommended pulmonary rehab.
I go to water aerobics and on o2. The saturation point stays up while in the pool. I think because I'm breathing deep and breathing right. Whatever, it works and I'm grateful.
lots of people exercise with oxygen - respiratory therapy with dr. on site
Does Any Get Out Of Breath Taking A Shower & Do You Find That Your Condition Is Worsening Even If You Increase Your Meds, Also Are Any Of
Oxygen & Showering + 2nd ?